Sunday, 23 January 2011

Photography development

This one was taken of the Christmas stools in Bath. it was a little under exposed because the sun was really low at this point. I really like the expression of the person focused in the background looking up and how they all seem so engrossed in what they are doing.

I asked these men if I could take a photo of them, so they posed but this must have been captured in the middle of that. It was the most difficult one to develop because the hand was so light compared to the men's faces. I ended up burning the hand and part of the line of sausages to the right so I could get detail in the darker areas.

I was sitting in starbucks trying to take photos subtley. I particularly liked this one because of how she contrasts to the background around her.

Monday, 17 January 2011

My Commission

As mentioned in a previous post, i have been working on a commission where I will be drawing an image for each chapter of a Christmas Carol book. My try out was the carol Good King Wenceslas which the author told me he would like a black and white line drawing, 8/10 cm.

I followed his instructions, although i found it harder than expected to come up with my 'own style' to show him. The end result i produced was slightly larger as I wanted to add detail and I thought it could be edited down to size very easily on a computer. I sent it and was offered the job!

Saturday, 15 January 2011

typography- geometric alphabet

We recently where given a project to design our own geometric alphabet from the basic shapes, and by using a 10mm grid we organized the size and shape.
To plan I sketched out the alphabet in circles, triangles and a combination of the before mentioned. I then tried out using one letter that i had created in repetition to create all the letters. Through this, it was obvious that the letter K that had been drawn worked best because of the tessellation. This was what I came up with.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Hannah Muller

I stumbled across this work while i was doing an image for a commition i have where the author wants me to draw some black and white pen drawings. I instantly loved the expression Muller can put across and how everything is perfectly proportioned. The use of the background has been added as skin tone in many images so effectivally, and with muted colour, they just look beautiful.